habitation of the Genius

habitation of the genius 1
A series of ink sketches (dotting and line) play around with common objects, practices and rituals around home in order to imaginatively subvert these and suggest enriched and diversified domestic performativities. Drawing on Giorgio Agamben’s perception of the Genius as a peculiar kind of inner instinct making humans act in unpredicted and ludicrous ways, this becomes a means of speculation around the details of domestic life. The Genius surfaces peculiar habits and messes around with otherwise mundane objects, converting these into animate agents that disrupt domestic automations and re-invent the inner workings of the home. Alternative domestic experiences are devised and articulated through visual narratives.  
medium: ink on paper
dimensions: 50 x 70 cm
habitation of the genius 2habitation of the genius 3habitation of the genius 4
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